Friday, October 6, 2017

Good grief - I've been gone a long time!

 It's been seven years since I posted to this blog and honestly, I didn't even remember I had it until I was going through my pbase photo galleries and came across a link!

Focused these days on supporting the Henderson County Democratic Party and running their two Facebook pages.  Here's one:

Also, deeply involved with my photography, these days photographing mostly nature subjects around my house. I like to keep a camera nearby for capturing our ever-roving and pesky wild turkeys.  This one got my attention by pecking on our front door sidelight:

Trying new recipes seems to be a weekly endeavor since I find cooking to be therapeutic in these scary times.  Latest very successful endeavor was an adaptation of Emeril Lagasse's Eggplant Napoleon (since I was using Asian eggplants from my garden).  Here's my version:

Well...I just check a preview and Blogger is still working!  Hope to post more often, now!